Friday, June 29, 2012

The Subject is Horses...........

Hi everyone!!!! I just got back from a horse camp about an hour ago. I had a lot of fun!!! It was supposed to be four days, but me and this other joined in on the third day, so I got two days worth of six hours around horses. I had so much fun!!! We put on a show for our parents too. First we showed them a country dance we learned, then we did barrel racing and pole bending at a walk, and then we did a drill routine. We learned all those things there. We also painted decorations on shirts. This morning after we got the horses tacked up, we went on a trail ride. It was my first trail ride, and I had so much fun!!! My horse today was named Honey Belle. She was very sweet, but she also sometimes liked to do her own thing. Yesterday I rode a horse named Penny. I had to switch her with Honey Belle because she was being so stuborn and cranky. (but she is 32 years old) I still loved her though, and she was sweet. I guess you can tell I had a lot of fun!!!! Well, hope to post again soon!!!

Ladybug's Footprints
aka Makayla

p.s. Sorry I haven't
been posting a lot lately......


  1. So glad you had a good time, are you going to continue taking lessons? Did you take pictures? I would love to see them. We are real
    proud of you.
    Love you!!!!
    nana and dedad

    1. Yes Ma'm, I did take pictures. I'll show them to you when I see you again. My blog's acting up, so I can't post pictures right now.

      Love ya!!!!


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