Ladybug Journal

Hey! Just a quick little tell what the page is about kind of thing. Anway, this page is gonna be full of pictures of ladybugs. (they may not be all real) I thought since my blog is called ladybugs footprints, I might as well do a page on ladybugs. So, here they are!

Pretty ladybug

Pajama Ladybug!!!

                                                               Sticker ladybug!!

                                                                     Necklace Ladybug!!

                                           Ok, maybe I went a little too far but, pillowpet ladybug!!!

Wikipedia's description: The Coccinellidae are a family of beetles, known variously as ladybirds (UK, Ireland, Australia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Malta, some parts of Canada and the US), or ladybugs (North America). When they need to use a common name, entomologists widely prefer the names ladybird beetles or lady beetles[2] as these insects are not true bugs. Lesser-used names include God's cow, ladyclock, lady cow, and lady fly

 My description of Ladybugs: Cute little bugs that can fly, and fit into tiny places. Some people (like Betsy) are afraid of them (which I cannot understand)

A picture of parts of a ladybug on google