Friday, September 27, 2013

Heyyyy Guys!!!!!

Hello everybody! So i realized I have not posted in awhile...... Sorry about that! I am definitely going to get better and post more! So anyways, how do ya'll like my new design? I figured I needed a new one :D Summer was fun! We went to Six Flags but didn't go to the beach cause we are going to Disney World in three weeks!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!! YAY! I cannot wait!!! Last time I went I was 6 and now I'm 11. Oh yeah guys, I'm 11 years old now :D last time I posted I was 10! So back to Disney, when we get home I will post a lot of pictures on here if the computer will cooperate. Well, here are some random Disney pictures. I always hate a non-picture post!

Ladybug's Footprints
aka Makayla

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