Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hey fellow bloggers! I got awarded yay!!!!

The thanks of the award goes to Betsy :)

Here's the rules :) 1) award 5 of your favorite bloggers 2) write a sentence or two about what makes this blogger special! OK, so here I go!

1: Hadassah: Such a sweet girl. She's great at inspiring me :)

2: Jenna: Don't know you too well, but your posts are great. 

3: Betsy: I know, she awarded me (you don't have to do the award again) but I love this gal!!! Thanks for all the AMAZING thing you do :)

4: Kalen: I just started following you, but I LOVE your blog so far!! Can't wait for more posts!!!

5: Natalie: Wonderful girl. I love your blog. So cute!!!!

Merry Christmas!
Ladybug's Footprints 
aka Makayla


You read the post, now comment away!!!